Finally Molzberg top is given back its ancient original name on the 10th of July 2018. With a little help from his friends and inspired by a great scientific genealogical research book spanning 314 pages named “The roots of Bähner and Behner” by Bernadette Bähner in 2011, CT Beatles founder and and a teacher of Music and Latin, Hans Ulrich Behner a.k.a. Crispus Longus got back to its family´s own roots reminding at the same time of a long forgotten but traditional nomination of the Molzberg Top at Betzdorf/Sieg) in the north of the Rhineland Palatinate/Germany.His eager venture was officially permitted by the present only heir and owner of the whole Molzberg wood named Oliver Schneider a descendant of the famous tank and locomotive company Jung who confessed a enormous historical interest in his property´s history. The fixing of the Behnerkopf monument was luckily enough aided by three mates : Kevin Behner a master craftsman of metal processing and Petr Zabloudil a welder, Hans Jürgen Orthmann the well known unforgettable former Olympic silver medal candidate of 1980(10 000 m run) acting here as a Molzberg scout. The Behnerkopf features an ideal aim not only for wanderers, tourists, nature´s children but also for young couples´ romances. A successful start is recommended from the Betzdorf Flippolino playground.
Crispus Longus wrote a congratulation for his nephew´s marriage to thank him for his help at the Behnerkopf fixing:
“Magister musicae linguaeque Latinae conditor cuiusdam turmae nominis “Scarabaei Saeculi Conversionis” Ioannes Uldaricus Behner Crispus Longus hanc gratulationem nuptiarum scripsit quartis Idibus Augustis anni domini MMXVIIIi. Avunculus nepoti omnia futura optima cupit sperans matrimonium sponsi Cevini sponsaeque suae Nathaliae usque ad mortem utriusque perseveraturum et perrecturum esse. Igitur gens Behner post tam multa saecula etiam in novam aetatem magno cum eventu perducatur et hac coniunctione porro praedium nominis “Nova Quercuus Calva” temporibus futuris prosperis felicibusque gloriaque maxima fructurum sit.”
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