Jubilee Video No. 1 – watch this on YouTube
On occasion of the 30 years CT Beatles jubilee (1990-2020) four jubilee videos with very rare footage with sensational excerpts featuring the first line-up (1990-1994) are shown here for the first time. In 1964 Crispus Longus was enthralled by three hole-sleeve Beatles singles (Odeon) in Bisses/Hesse/Germany (“It won´t be long”/”Money”)(“I feel fine”/”She´s a woman”)(“Kansas City”/”I don´t want to spoil the party”) and furthermore fuelled up being eyewitness by the Beatles concert in Munich (24.6.1966). In December 1966 he bought the LP “Oldies but Goldies” containing among other songs also a cover version of “Bad Boy”. Many years later the studied teacher of classical music, piano, Latin and Romance languages started to remember his childhood roots. After a grueling and straining search from October 1988 until October 1990 Crispus Longus finally succeeded in founding and training the very first band´s outfit of the Centuries Turners Beatles. The name is a pun between Century´s and Centuries´ Turners the century´s turn being at the same time a turn of ten centuries (millenium´s turns) he wanted to bring the Beatles music and original compositions across. In December 1988 he discovered Andrew Kohlenberg *1971 in a pub in Mainz. In May 1990 he found Martin Schurig *1969 dragged him out of a bus and forced him to squeal some sounds of “All my Loving” in the middle of bushes near the Mainz main station. By this way the single child Andrew was provided with a long time missed eternal musical brother with which he probably will stick together until his death . The drummer Toby Man *1969 was discovered by him not before October 1990. The booked HDJ concert/Mainz (20.9.1991) could only take place on condition of meeting the requirement of an audition concert in Oberwesel/Rhineland/Palatinate(17.3.1991). Crispus had to organize the Oberwesel audition for luring representatives of press, TV and attracting promoters. As a result the CT Beatles were booked by SWR 3 for another two hours show cheered by an enthusiastic crowd in the before mentioned HDJ/Mainz (20.9.1991) causing pandemonium and mayhem. The two shows encompassed also rare songs. These sensational film excerpts show the CT Beatles right fresh from the scratch walking across zebra stripes in the center of Mainz.
0.00: SWR 3 announcement/3.40: “You can´t do that”/6.18: “You can´t do that”/8.37:”I´ve just seen a face”/10.00: “Nowhere Man”/13.20 :”You´re gonna lose that girl”/15.45: “If I needed someone”/19.20 : Oberwesel: “Announcement by “Kevin Kostner”/21.00: “Bad Boy”/23.25 : “You can´t do that”/25.55: “Money”/ 28.44: “Announcement of the members of the group”/29.30: “Baby´s in Black”/31.45: “No reply”/34.15:”I´ve just seen a face”/36.15: “End of Hey Jude”/37.17 – 45.00: “Crazy cheering and the audition party”
Jubilee Video No. 2 – watch this on YouTube
After having experienced the CT Beatles in Oberwesel Wilfried Bender booked the band for his 4th and 9th Ginsheimer Super-Oldie-Night. During the first half of the nineties he organized staggering 25 Oldie-Nights near Mainz featuring the greatest oldie bands of the world and being a central figure in the world of promotion.
Here are excerpts of the 4th Ginsheimer Super-Oldie-Night (7.12.1991)
0.00: Wilfried Bender´s speech
4.38: “Twist and Shout”
6.05: “You can´t do that”
8.36: “Bad Boy”
11.26: “Money”
14.31: “I´ve just seen a face”
16.52: “Dizzy Miss Lizzy”
19.26: “I wanna be your Man”
21.27: “If I needed someone”
23.53: “Things we said today”
26.23: “Long Tall Sally”
28.14: “Taxman”
31.02: “You´re gonna lose that girl”
33.39: “Boys”
Jubilee Video No. 3 – watch this on YouTube
During their numerous concerts all over Germany the CT Beatles were presented by many TV Channels excerpts of which are here documented for the first time.
0.00: SWR 3: Beatles Competition in Ludwigshafen 1992/ CT Beatles are best imitation group of Germany.
1.24: SWR 3 (RPL/BW/SR): Fritz Egner Show “Nur Mut” ,1993/CTBeatles play „Twist and Shout“ and „Nowhere Man“.
7.11: SWR 3 (SWR 3): Mario Schmidecke Show „Schnick Schnack“ , 1993/CT Beatles play “Twist and Shout” and “Nowhere Man”
17.22: SWR 3 (RPL/BW/SR): Fritz Egner Show “Nur Mut” Final round,1993/CT Beatles play “Help” and “I feel fine”.
24.55: Tele LU :” Show Imbiss Carneval Show.” 1994/Shown are only parts of the half an hour performance. “With a little Help from my friends” and two own compositions
28.50: “Shall no longer”(Crispus Longus) and
33.10: “While I taste the air”(Schurig) and
36.20: “Twist and Shout”.
40.10: SAT 1 CT Beatles play “Paperback Writer”
42.40- 46.14: TV Deutsche Welle Berlin, 1994, CT Beatles play half an hour. This excerpt shows an own composition “The last Chance” (Kohlenberg)
Jubilee Video No. 4 – watch this on YouTube
After having toured across Germany appeared in many radio shows like “Manfred Sexauer” having received a first prize for best Beatles imitation a record contract at AIR Records in Munich the CT Beatles were filmed during a two and a half hour show in Alzey (25.6.1994).This video excerpt shows among other three original Centuries Turners songs: “The last chance”(Kohlenberg), “Dissensions of Love”(Crispus Longus) and”While I taste the Air”(Schurig). In 1994 Crispus recorded with the band beside Beatles stuff also the 15 best compositions on a CD (Time Trip). On occasion of the 30th Centuries Turners Beatles Jubilee a limited reedition of these fantastic creative evergreen is planned each of these songs having a fantastic single A- side quality. Parts of this this legendary concert are published here:
0.00: “Rock and Roll Music”
2.21: “She´s a woman”
5.10: “Please Mr.Postman”
8.20: “Boys”
10.37: “Can´t buy me Love”
13.10: “I feel fine”
15.25: “Kansas City”
18.12: “Help”
20.38: “I´m down”
23.25: “Nowhere Man”
26.30: “Paperback Writer”
41.19: “Birthday, Improvisation & Drum Solo
48.10: “Dizzy Miss Lizzy”
50.52: “Bad Boy”
53.40 – 56.42: Twist and Shout.
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